Nymphaeum Restoration
The Nymphaeum is architecturally and functionally the dominant feature of the villa's complex hydraulic system. It protects from water and distributes it for the functionality of the house and for irrigating vegetable gardens and orchards.
The conservative restoration will restore functionality by recovering the fountain's supply system, restoring the decorative apparatus, preserving the current image, and allowing, thanks to the construction site, a reading of the past. All this will be achieved with sustainable interventions in application methods and materials. Planned conservation will be managed with a special patent that will guarantee maintenance work only when necessary.

The Restoration
The restoration of the Nymphaeum involves rediscovering and recovering the villa's and park's hydraulic system, equipping it with systems for rationalizing the use of water resources and controlling water quality in relation to the preservation of architectural elements.
The entire system will be controlled in terms of flow quantity and water quality with continuous checks, capable of calibrating the operation of water features by assessing their impact on the conservation status of decorated surfaces.
Deepening the knowledge of this complex architecture, often seen exclusively as a scenic backdrop, actually represents an example of sustainable architecture in terms of its relationship with the context.
A barrier to water to protect the villa, but also a rational distribution element of the water resource for various uses, the Nymphaeum has over time been subject to structurally incongruous interventions.
Some works of stiffening the masonry structure, which internally shows typically Venetian construction solutions that have been rendered inefficient due to the overall stiffening of the artifact.
The construction site will unveil passages and design ideas that time has partly hidden and will prove to be an extraordinary source of knowledge.

The Restoration Intervention
This restoration and enhancement project of the elements present in the garden of Villa di Maser involves an intervention on the Nymphaeum divided into several phases.
The first step consists of carrying out a series of chemical-physical analyses of the materials present in the construction, verifying their relative state of conservation. The current configuration of the complex stratification of the decorative apparatus is the result of the massive restoration that the Nymphaeum underwent in the 1940s. The colors, tones, and materials considered recent will be preserved, setting aside the memory of previous phases, discovered during the construction works and subject to subsequent historical-critical investigations.
Therefore, following the logic that wants to preserve the current image of the building, the measures of the second phase will involve the limitation - as far as possible - of the pathologies present in the artifact that have caused the loss of some parts, and interventions will also be made with cleanings, cortical consolidations, small integrations, and protective measures.

Other Works
Other interventions on the Restoration and Enhancement Project of the garden of Villa di Maser in Maser concern the restoration of the nymphaeum, the restoration of the green spaces, the refitting and repositioning of the stable and the restoration of the greenhouses.